Wow – it’s been too long. I miss my gaming peeps. How have you all been? Myself? Pretty good. Staying busy, making games, keeping up with a family and a day job. But what the heck’s been going on with Zeroic Games? Good question, glad you asked. Zeroic Games has essentially been an effort of friends coming together over the years to make games. A design studio, if you will, focused on world building and depth of replay-ability. Our only published game to date is Helionox and it was a success in almost every regard. Depth of game play, beautifully illustrated, and a burgeoning universe full of intriguing characters and places to visit (*more on this later).
But you’ve been at making games since 2013 – why are you so slow? Another excellent question! As mentioned above, this isn’t a full time gig for anyone involved. I’ve worked with some wildly talented and equally generous friends since starting Zeroic Games. My hope is to continue to work with each of them on future Zeroic projects. Luke Green, Josh Reedy, Josh Green, Jeffrey Nelson – all of these incredible individuals have contributed so much in so many different ways to getting Helionox onto your table. I couldn’t have done it without them.
Ok – but who are you? Ah yes – please allow me to introduce myself – game and graphic designer, Taran Lewis Kratz, at your service. Most communications, game designs, and general front facing public engagement has gone through me. I ran both Zeroic Games Kickstarters and will hopefully run more in the future.
Anyway, this is just an introduction to my new blog page. I’ll ramble on here as I have time. I suspect I’ll be inconsistent as I’ve tried (and failed) in the past to write on a regular basis. But, stick with me and I think it’ll be an enlightening journey. My intention is to be honest and open and just start a community dialog about gaming, nerd culture, and maybe even other topics of interest as we see fit! Thanks for reading and join me next time as I look to the future of Zeroic Games. For starters, is “Zeroic Games” even the right name for this design studio anymore? Give me your thoughts on the name “Zeroic”. I’d love to hear them!
*Also, I mentioned Helionox world building earlier in this post – I’ll add more about that in the next one 🙂
The name should stay!